Thing 19: Online Learning & DIY PD
After reading through the material that is posted, I have decided to do a couple of things. The first is to participate in an edWeb seminar. I selected one that is happening next Wednesday, April 23rd at 5:00. It is from the Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program Community and is simply called eContent: Round 4.
The other item I am going to work on is getting to know Schoology in more depth. After I completed Thing 12, I had thought that I would focus on all that Google can do for me and I have been. But, at my last School Library System meeting, I found out that our BOCES is going to use Schoology to connect people via networking. As librarians, we have been trying to connect online. Some schools have social media avenues blocked, some are Google schools, some are not. So, Schoology are kind of come out as a way to do this and have it usable in all schools. I need to get back to it and see what is up and how it might work for networking with my local school librarians. I am excited about that.
I did do the edWeb seminar on Wednesday, April 23rd from 5-6 p.m.. It was through the Emerging Tech community and was called "eContent, Round 4". Although it was not what I thought it would be, it was really informative. Michelle Luhtala from Connecticut led it. She has a good handle on how to deal with all the books that are now available in e-book format.
I am just going to list some of the points I took away from my hour webinar. The issue seems to be with vendors/publishers and authentication. There is also a lot of issues with all the different devices and ways econtent can be accessed. Librarians are encouraged by some who are well into this already to buy materials at the consortia level, if at all possible. As always, we need to think about integration and not just "owning" econtent. We need to know our needs, as with anything we add to our collections. :) At the end, people asked questions and all that was exciting to see, too. I picked up an idea or two to try. Since the webinar, I have changed my opacs' looks to reflect more keenly our ebook collections. I added icons to take people directly to them, even in our Owl Beginner OPAC.
I did do the edWeb seminar on Wednesday, April 23rd from 5-6 p.m.. It was through the Emerging Tech community and was called "eContent, Round 4". Although it was not what I thought it would be, it was really informative. Michelle Luhtala from Connecticut led it. She has a good handle on how to deal with all the books that are now available in e-book format.
I am just going to list some of the points I took away from my hour webinar. The issue seems to be with vendors/publishers and authentication. There is also a lot of issues with all the different devices and ways econtent can be accessed. Librarians are encouraged by some who are well into this already to buy materials at the consortia level, if at all possible. As always, we need to think about integration and not just "owning" econtent. We need to know our needs, as with anything we add to our collections. :) At the end, people asked questions and all that was exciting to see, too. I picked up an idea or two to try. Since the webinar, I have changed my opacs' looks to reflect more keenly our ebook collections. I added icons to take people directly to them, even in our Owl Beginner OPAC.
Here is my certificate (I used PicMonkey to add my name and school :) ):
It was a very beneficial hour, leaving me with lots of ideas and lots of issues to consider and plans to put into action. I realize that I need to spend some time getting the e-book collections out there but in a way that makes it easy for my students and teachers to access the information, without having to use several logins, etc.
The other thing I did for Thing 19 is to set up my Schoology account. I did that and then I let my SLS Director know that I did so when she is ready to create a librarians' group, I will be set to be her guinea pig, so to speak. I can see already that Schoology has great possibility for the school librarians in our School Library System.
Will your school give you PD credit for attending the webinar? I hope so. I've heard some people can't get credit for those sorts of webinars, seems crazy to me.