Hi, I am Melinda Miller. I have the pleasure of working in the PK-12 library at Colton-Pierrepont Central School (http://cpcs.k12.ny.us/ ), a small rural school in northern New York State. I have been the librarian or library media specialist here for over 30 years. I love my job and all that goes with it. I am giving Cool Tools for Schools a try because I like technology and learning new things and because I hope it will help me help my staff and my kids.
I work in a lovely, relatively new library. This is our circulation area. I will post some other pictures later. Okay, I think that is it for now. :)
As you may have seen, I already didn't follow directions. :( I have changed the title on my first post from "About Me" to “Thing 1: Blogging”. I am using Blogger because our school is a Google School. I didn't even have to create a login or anything. I just clicked on it and there I was logged in with my gmail info. I am finding it a bit tricky to work with, but that's okay. I do wish I could change the size of the picture I used in the title of the blog. I haven't figured out that yet. Oh well, I will keep working at this.
Welcome to the learning program. And thanks for sharing a photo of your library!